Church Directory
The following is a listing of churches that the Chamber is aware of. If you are listed in error, please let us know and we will remove you. If you are not listed and should be, please let us know and we will get you listed. Please call the Chamber at (920) 982-5822 or e-mail admin@newlondonchamber.com.
AdventistGeneral Conference Catholic Most Precious Blood Parish St. Patrick’s Parish Episcopal St. John’s Episcopal Church Evangelical Bible Faith Christian Church Inter – Denominational Victory Church – New London Campus Jehovah’s WitnessesKingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses LutheranWELS WELS LCMC ELCA |
Methodist New London United Methodist Church Non – DenominationalBlue Gorilla Lounge Click here to like us on Facebook Faith Christian Church Iglesia de Cristo Ministerios Elim Life Together Christian Church
Pentecostal Assemblies of God United Church of Christ